Liberator Mitchell B2325
by Nicodemus81
uploaded 2018-12-07
mod aircraft

All parts for Liberator Mitchell B2325

click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
airlinerTailFin from Squad
AJE.GEnx.PylonR from b9 aerospace
asasmodule1-2 from Squad
B9.Aero.AirBrake.Surface.Large from B9 Aerospace Parts Pack
B9.Aero.HL.Body.SAS.05m from B9 Aerospace Parts Pack
B9.Structure.SNM.Strut from B9 Aerospace Parts Pack
bahaAdjustableRail from
bahaAim9 from
bahaBrowningAnm2 from
bahaCamPod from
bahaClusterBomb from
bahaECMJammer from
bahaGatlingGun from
bahaH70Launcher from
bahaH70Turret from
bahaM102Howitzer from
bahaM230ChainGun from
bahaMk82BombBrake from
bahaSmokeCmPod from
bahaTurret from
basicFin from Squad
battery-25 from Near Future Electrical
bdammGuidanceModule from
BDAsonarPod1A from
bdPilotAI from
bdRotBombBay from
DomePod from Professor Phineas Kerbenstein's wonderous vertical propulsion emporium.
FSbombBay from
FSbomberCockpit from
FSbomberWing from
FSbomberWingExtender from
FSCrewFuselage from
GearLarge from Squad
GearMedium from Squad
ij.4m.adaptor.variant from OPT Spaceplane Continued
j.2m.bicoupler from OPT Spaceplane Continued
LgRadialSolarPanel from Squad
longAntenna from Squad
missileController from
MK1Fuselage from Squad (root part)
Mk1FuselageStructural from Squad
nfa-enginecooler-25-1 from nearfutureaeronautics
nfa-intake-largeshock from nearfutureaeronautics
nfa-turbojet-25-1 from nearfutureaeronautics
radarDataReceiver from
rtg-0625 from Near Future Electrical
strutConnector from Squad
SXTelevonLarge from Stock Extension
SXTOsualRadCockpit from Stock Extension
SXTOsualTailLarge from Stock Extension
SXTradialWindow from Stock Extension
SXTsolarPanelhex from Stock Extension
winglet from Squad
wingShuttleRudder from Squad