Atmoshuttle Mk.2
by shonennick
uploaded 2016-04-22
stock ship
#aircraft #spaceplane #satellite #deploy #created_at

All parts for Atmoshuttle Mk.2

click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
adapterSize2-Size1 from Squad
adapterSmallMiniShort from Squad
advSasModule from Squad
airbrake1 from Squad
airplaneTail from Squad
batteryPack from Squad
commDish from Squad
delta.small from Squad
deltaWing from Squad
dockingPort2 from Squad
elevon2 from Squad
elevon3 from Squad
elevon5 from Squad
FuelCell from Squad
fuelLine from Squad
fuelTank3-2 from Squad
fuelTankSmall from Squad
fuelTankSmallFlat from Squad
GearMedium from Squad
GearSmall from Squad
JetEngine from Squad
ksp.r.largeBatteryPack from Squad
launchClamp1 from Squad
linearRcs from Squad
liquidEngine1-2 from Squad
liquidEngineMini from Squad
MassiveBooster from Squad
mediumDishAntenna from Squad
MK1Fuselage from Squad
mk2CargoBayL from Squad
mk2CargoBayS from Squad
mk2Cockpit.Standard from Squad (root part)
mk2DockingPort from Squad
mk2FuselageShortMono from Squad
mk2SpacePlaneAdapter from Squad
omsEngine from Squad
pointyNoseConeA from Squad
pointyNoseConeB from Squad
probeCoreOcto2 from Squad
probeStackSmall from Squad
radialDecoupler1-2 from Squad
radialDecoupler2 from Squad
radialDrogue from Squad
RCSBlock from Squad
RCSFuelTank from Squad
sepMotor1 from Squad
shockConeIntake from Squad
smallHardpoint from Squad
smallRadialEngine from Squad
solarPanels4 from Squad
solarPanels5 from Squad
spotLight2 from Squad
stackDecoupler from Squad
structuralWing from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
sweptWing1 from Squad
telescopicLadderBay from Squad
vernierEngine from Squad
wingConnector2 from Squad
wingStrake from Squad