Endurance class SSTO
by nobodyimportant
uploaded 2017-11-27
mod spaceplane

All parts for Endurance class SSTO

click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
airbrake1 from Squad
AntimatterCollector from KSP Interstellar Extended
AntimatterTank250 from KSP Interstellar Extended
bahaCamPod from
bahaChaffPod from
bahaCmPod from
bahaECMJammer from
bdRadome1inline from
commDish from Squad
CRY-1300Freezer from DeepFreeze Continued...
DF.Glykerol.Tank from Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
DTMagnetometer from KSP Interstellar Extended
FNGCMS from KSP Interstellar Extended
fuelLine from Squad
GearMedium from Squad
GearSmall from Squad
HexCanLifeSupport from TAC Life Support (TACLS)
IntakeRadialLong from Squad
InterstellarRetractableRcsBlockCurved from KSP Interstellar Extended
InterstellarRetractableRcsBlockCurvedFlat from KSP Interstellar Extended
j.2m.inlineBoardingRamp from OPT Spaceplane Continued
j.4m.cargo from OPT Spaceplane Continued
j.4m.droneRCS from OPT Spaceplane Continued
j.4m.service from OPT Spaceplane Continued
j.4m.tanks from OPT Spaceplane Continued
j.cockpit.qs from OPT Spaceplane Continued (root part)
j.deploymentBay from OPT Spaceplane Continued
j.docking.port from OPT Spaceplane Continued
j.sas from OPT Spaceplane Continued
JSIPrimitiveExternalCamera from RasterPropMonitor
KAS.Hook.Harpoon from Kerbal Attachment System
KAS.Winch2 from Kerbal Attachment System
KKAOSS.LS.container.algae from Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
KKAOSS.LS.container.carbon.extractor from Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
KKAOSS.LS.container.fertilizer.small from Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
KKAOSS.LS.container.greenhouse from Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
KKAOSS.LS.container.waterpurifier from Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
KKAOSS.Storage.size2.m from Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
KspieMicrochannelFixedTriangular from KSP Interstellar Extended
KspiRadiatorConformal from KSP Interstellar Extended
KspiRadiatorSurfaceLong1 from KSP Interstellar Extended
KspiRadiatorSurfaceSquare from KSP Interstellar Extended
ladder1 from Squad
LargeFNGeneratorMk1 from KSP Interstellar Extended
missileController from
mk2.nose.opt from OPT Spaceplane Continued
mk2.ramIntake from OPT Spaceplane Continued
mk2Fuselage from Squad
mk2j.adaptor from OPT Spaceplane Continued
mumech.MJ2.AR202 from MechJeb 2
navlight from Airplane Plus
opt.mk2.engine from OPT Spaceplane (Legacy)
opt.stabilizer.a from OPT Spaceplane Continued
opt.stabilizer.b from OPT Spaceplane Continued
opt.wing.c from OPT Spaceplane Continued
opt.wing.c.elevon1 from OPT Spaceplane Continued
opt.wing.c.elevon2 from OPT Spaceplane Continued
opt.winglet.c from OPT Spaceplane Continued
opt.winglet.c.elevon from OPT Spaceplane Continued
radialDrogue from Squad
RadialRadiatorzzz from KSP Interstellar Extended
radPanelSm from Squad
rcsTankRadialLong from Squad
reactor-125 from Near Future Electrical
SCANsat.Scanner24 from Squad
sensorAtmosphere from Squad
sensorGammaRaySpectrometer from KSP Interstellar Extended
sensorGravimeter from Squad
SmallTank from Squad
spotLight1 from Squad
stackPoint1 from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
strutCube from Squad
SurfAntenna from Squad
TacLifeSupportContainerLarge from TAC Life Support (TACLS)
TacWasteContainerLarge from TAC Life Support (TACLS)
telescopicLadderBay from Squad
TweakableAntimatterReactor from KSP Interstellar Extended
TweakableThermalTurbojet from KSP Interstellar Extended