Hello! Welcome to the official sales site for Coalonia Military Aerospace Unlimited Inc! I’m Mycroft, CEO of CMAU Incorporated, and here is the place you can find all of our wonderful and popular products imported straight from our manufacturing facilities near the Kerbal Space Center! CMAU boasts over thirty different handsome military and civilian crafts, with more being released each month! We are planning to begin a forum thread to announce new ships, hear feedback, and take orders! Please do comment on any craft if you think it should be done! Our engineers are also working on a spectacular space carrier/destroyer that is more massive and better armed than the Leviathan and the Archemedes put together! This amazing ship is close to final inspections, due for release soon! Meanwhile, take a look at some of our prized products that are currently available for purchase right here! Next to be posted will be some all new stock KEVs (Kerbol Exploration Vehicles) and heavily armored tanks! You can place an order by commenting on any craft we made! We want to hear what YOU need to improve your military! Check back soon for new ships, tanks, space dreadnaughts, AA batteries, and more! From all of CMAU, thank you for your time!