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(link to Spacedock where possible)
All parts for GS lost Explorer SHrfmo
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
adapterMk3-Size2 from Squad
adapterSize2-Mk2 from Squad
adapterSmallMiniShort from Squad
advSasModule from Squad
asasmodule1-2 from Squad
Atlas.Farm.10m from USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS)
Atlas.Kerbitat.10m from USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS)
batteryBankLarge from Squad
C3.FlatTank.02 from USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS)
C3.FlatTank.04 from USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS)
Clydesdale from Squad
commDish from Squad
controller1000 from Breaking Ground DLC
cupola from Squad
Decoupler.2 from Squad
deltaWing from Squad
dockingPort1 from Squad
dockingPortLarge from Squad (root part)
dockingPortLateral from Squad
EnginePlate3 from Making History DLC
EnginePlate4 from Making History DLC
foldingRadLarge from Squad
foldingRadMed from Squad
FuelCellArray from Squad
fuelLine from Squad
fuelTank.long from Squad
ISRU from Squad
landingLeg1-2 from Squad
Large.Crewed.Lab from Squad
largeAdapter from Squad
largeAdapter2 from Squad
largeSolarPanel from Squad
launchClamp1 from Squad
linearRcs from Squad
liquidEngine2-2.v2 from Squad
LiquidEngineLV-T91 from Making History DLC
liquidEngineMainsail.v2 from Squad
mGripPad from Breaking Ground DLC
mk2FuselageLongLFO from Squad
mk2SpacePlaneAdapter from Squad
mk3Cockpit.Shuttle from Squad
piston.01 from Breaking Ground DLC
pointyNoseConeB from Squad
probeStackLarge from Squad
RadialDrill from Squad
RCSBlock.v2 from Squad
RCSTank1-2 from Squad
rocketNoseCone.v2 from Squad
Rockomax16.BW from Squad
Rockomax32.BW from Squad
Rockomax64.BW from Squad
Separator.3 from Squad
sepMotor1 from Squad
Size1p5.Size2.Adapter.01 from Making History DLC
Size3.Size4.Adapter.01 from Making History DLC
Size3To2Adapter.v2 from Squad
Size4.EngineAdapter.01 from Making History DLC
Size4.Tank.04 from Making History DLC
spotLight1 from Squad
spotLight2 from Squad
SSME from Squad
stackPoint1 from Squad
stationHub from Squad
structuralIBeam2 from Squad
structuralPylon from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
strutCube from Squad