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All parts for X Fury
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
AblativeAirbrake from Ablative-Airbrake
x 8
CA.SRBnose from Cormorant Aeronology
x 4
dockingPort2 from Squad
x 2
FASAApalloLFTF1Plate from
x 1
FASAApalloLFTJ25XPlate from
x 1
FASAApalloLFTSVS1 from
x 3
FASAApolloLFEF1 from
x 5
FASAApolloLFEJ2 from
x 5
FASAApolloStrJ2StrJ25mDec from
x 1
FASAStrS1BWing from
x 8
KF-LegSimple from
x 4
launchClamp1 from Squad
x 4
LightLaser from Future Weapons
x 2
linearRcs from Squad
x 2
missileController from
x 1
mk2.1m.AdapterLong from Squad
x 1
mk2Cockpit.Standard from Squad (root part)
x 1
powerSystem from Future Weapons
x 1
proceduralConeLiquid from Procedural Parts
x 4
proceduralStructural from Procedural Parts
x 12
proceduralTankLiquid from Procedural Parts
x 4
R8winglet from Squad
x 2
RC.radial from RealChute Parachute Systems
x 2
rcs-integrated-1 from Near Future Launch Vehicles
x 8
sweptWing2 from Squad
x 4
SYdecouplerRadial2 from SpaceY Heavy Lifters
x 4
SYrcs2 from SpaceY Heavy Lifters
x 12
SYSRB.25X29 from SpaceY Heavy Lifters
x 4