Welcome to Raptor Star Industries:
Raptor - Tomorrow’s Technology, Today.
Raptor - Tomorrow’s Technology, Today.

Here at Raptor Industries, we are dedicated to bringing you reliable aircraft and spacecraft that will serve you throughout multiple missions. From cargo planes to star ships, we will ensure that our craft are versatile and affordable.
Raptor Star Industries specializes in aircraft and starship technology. Our Star Command division (inspired by but not affiliated with CBS’s Star Trek
) specializes in creating the finest star ships, star bases, and shuttlecraft for the United Kerbin Star Command, along with other contractors.
In addition, we serve the KAF (Kerbal Air Force), and have many military systems, alongside the civilian market. Our defense systems are among the best on Kerbin. As such, victory is almost always assured.
We will always do our best to provide as much information as we can about our systems. We shall ensure that each vessel in our catalog has the following statistics listed clearly:
- All action groups
- Resource values (i.e. maximum fuel load, electrical charge, etc.)
- Maximum Proven Altitude (unburden, for aircraft)
- Maximum Proven Airspeed (criteria for such shall be specified Pro re nata)
- Crew Capacity
- Cargo Volume (when applicable)
Our customers are encouraged to contribute their own information if they are able to find ways that set new statistics. All information is welcome, and feedback is most definitely appreciated.
We’d like to thank our partners for their support:
Atryaz Aerospace - Visit here: https://kerbalx.com/Atryaz-Aerospace
If you wish to become one of our partners, we will be sure to include information about your profile here.
If you have any suggestions or complaints, please contact us at [email protected]