:Company Website Title:
Here at RaptorTech Inc.™ we build machines of war, also advance in small tech. to let Kerbalian forces advance
on the enemy. Why? Well, for the brighter future of Tomorrow of course!
RaptorTech Inc.™ also has a sibling location called Tactical Corp.™ Tactical Corp. has given all rights to
RaptorTech Inc.™ since Tactical Corp.™ is a down-branch from RaptorTech Inc.™
(( Basically, I just changed my name from Tactical to RaptorTech-Incorporated. ))
Available Vehicles:
Small Transport -
Jetpack, more in development.
Air Force -
Kredetor, F-22 Mk.I, A-10 ThunderLightning II Mk.I, AC-130 MK.VII by Tactical Corp., F-16 Kalkon, F-18 Hornet, F-158 Viper, MiG-21, F-15 Eagle Fire I and stock variant, F-35 LightningBolt by Tactical Corp., K-10 Kunder (( Ejection seat )), F-18 Mk.II, Hawkeye, F-4 (RC), F-4 Phantom, AC-130 Ultra, X-45C, XF-109, SU-30 Mk.I,
SU-360, A-10 (RC), F2-104, Z-Fighter (( Epileptic Warning )), G.I.Joe Cobra Rattler, P-39 AirKobra, A-10 Thunder, F6H581 Barracuda, F-104, more in development.
Space Force -
Coming in future.
Ground Offence Force -
Cruise Jet
Missile, Tank, APC, APCT, more in development.
Ground Defense Force -
HEMMT EWR (Early Warning Radar), HEMMT Patriot Missile System, HEMMT CIWS, more in development.
Naval Force -
Destroyer, more in development.
Primary Weaponry (Aero) -
Coming in future.
Secondary Weaponry (Aero) -
WIng Blade, More in development.
RaptorTech Inc.™ also makes Family Fun Vehicles, Like:
RC A-10, RC F-4, Barrel Craft, Jetpack, and even more ‘Family Fun’ in development!
Note: RaptorTech Inc.™ is not responsible for loss of life due to Family Friendly Vehicles, Family Friendly Vehicles can and will be accessed my military if absolutely necessary for Defense Forces. Raptor Inc. is also not responsible for loss of life due to our Z-Fighter, since it can cause epilepsy.
Side Note: We at RaptorTech Inc.™ are not part of the Kraken or other higher class organizations.....
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File: We totally are in the Kracken Community.
(( Notice: I do not own the name RaptorTech Inc.™ I just use it for immersion as a company figure for KSP. ))
!NOTICE! I am currently on a Hiatus, I have burned myself out with KSP and designing and currently focusing on school. Thank you for Downloading, and possibly enjoying my craft. Love you all! <3