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All parts for 22800 Ураган
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
2x1AirIntakePanel from SM Marine
2x1slopestructuralPanel from SM Marine
3SecRail from SM Marine
4mtrLadder from SM Marine
4x1ArmorPanel from SM Armory
AFVFlareCM from SM AFVs
AK176 from kerbalfield
AK230LowPlinth from SM Armory
AK639QB1 from SM Armory
bahaFlirBall from
BallastKeelUniversal from SM Marine
battery-stack-5-1 from Near Future Launch Vehicles
BD2p5Armorpanel from SM AFVs
BD2p5xp5Armorpanel from SM AFVs
BDAsonarPod1A from
bdShipAI from
Bollards from SM Marine
BowThrusterModule from SM Marine
CKgunMount from SM Marine
ComsMastL from SM Marine
CruiserKitHull from SM Marine (root part)
DallesqueCMpod from SM Marine
decals0 from SM Marine
domeLight1 from Squad
DoorFrameHatch from SM Marine
EOTS from Nice MKseries Body
Extendradar from SM Marine
FixedPoint from Aircraft Carrier Accessories
fueltank-5-2 from Near Future Launch Vehicles
GoliathBayCover from SM AFVs
HangarRadialAdapter1 from Hangar
hc.kazzelblad from Hullcam VDS
hc.nightvision from Hullcam VDS
HeliDeckDecal from SM Marine
HighSpeedballastpump from SM Marine
JclassSeaWaterPump from SM Marine
KAS.CH1 from Kerbal Attachment System
KAS.JS1 from Kerbal Attachment System
KAS.PCB1 from Kerbal Attachment System
KAS.RTS1 from Kerbal Attachment System
KAS.TJ2 from Kerbal Attachment System
KAS.W1 from Kerbal Attachment System
KAS.W2 from Kerbal Attachment System
KASShipMainAnchor1A from SM Marine
KIS.Container1 from Kerbal Inventory System
KIS.ContainerMount1 from Kerbal Inventory System
KORD from kerbalfield
KspieCubicTrussHalf from KSP Interstellar Extended
ladder1 from Squad
launchClamp1 from Squad
LaunchPadLamp from Tracking Lights
LDRudder from SM Marine
LiferaftPairGreb from SM Marine
LongAnmiHeliNets from SM Marine
MarineArmorPanel2x1panel from SM Marine
MarineCommandPodType6 from SM Marine
MarineSensorpackage from SM Marine
MarineTrimPlane from SM Marine
Maxapu17 from SM Marine
MicrowaveAntenna from SM Marine
missileController from
MWILightWieghtAntennae1SMI from SM Marine
NAS.Flag from NAS - Naval Artillery System
P1K2SLT from SMI MissilesLaunchers
P800Onyx from SM Armory
PEW-mk19Hand from BDArmory FPS
PredCam from SM Armory
RADAR346B from kerbalfield
radarDataReceiver from
RadarDiffuserRail2 from SM Marine
Radome1SMRadarUnit from SM Marine
RC1WheelHouse from SM Marine
RopeLadderExtraLong from SM Marine
rtg-0625 from Near Future Electrical
S1850MRadar from SM Marine
SampsonRadar from SM Marine
SeagnatCM from SM Marine
ShipHatchGreb from SM Marine
shipWWChornTest from SM Marine
ShortVentairScoop from SM Marine
SM57E6BGMb from SM Armory
SMARadarBar from SM Armory
SMICMmount from SM Armory
SMIhydraulicPump from SM Marine
SmokeStack1 from SM Marine
spotLight1 from Squad
spotLight2.v2 from Squad
spotLight3 from Squad
spraybrake1small from SM Marine
StairLeft from SM Marine
StairRightRail from SM Marine
SteamTurbine from SM Marine
sticker from Decal Stickers
stickerv from Decal Stickers
SVHLowerArmSingle from SM Marine
SVHupperArmSingle from SM Marine
T45ArrayTowerFull from SM Marine
T45bridgeBase from SM Marine
T45BridgeDeck from SM Marine
T45Hangar from SM Marine
T45IntakeTower from SM Marine
T45KbandAntenna from SM Marine
T45Stack from SM Marine
T45superMid from SM Marine
T45UpperFwdSuper from SM Marine
TallVentairScoop from SM Marine
TB1DeckLadder from SM Marine
TB1Mast from SM Marine
TieDown from Aircraft Carrier Accessories
Type45VLScoverplate from SM Marine
TzAntennaRotateMK3 from SM Marine
UniversalLauncherMK1 from SMI MissilesLaunchers
Zed6super2d from SM Marine