Space Truck
by ImpossibleAviation
uploaded 2017-12-28
mod ship
#heavy #lifter #truck #launcher #container

All parts for Space Truck

click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
5SecRail from SM Marine
AdjustableRailScaleable from Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - Legacy Parts
Akita.Bed from USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS)
Akita.Cab from USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS)
ARESflatbed from Phoenix Industries ARES Rover
B9.Armor.Procedural.TypeA from B9 Procedural Structural
B9.Structural.Procedural.TypeA from B9 Procedural Structural
B9.Utility.Light.A1.White from B9 Aerospace Parts Pack
bahaCamPod from
dockingPort2 from Squad
dockingPort3 from Squad
dockingwasher.freeScaleable from Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - Legacy Parts
hyperStrut from SuperStrongStruts
IRHingeOpenScaleable from Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - Legacy Parts
IRHingeTallNDScaleable from Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - Legacy Parts
KF-WheelTruck-Dual from
KF-WheelTruck-Single from
KKAOSS.Landing.Leg2.g from Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
lightbeacon.amber from Aviation Lights from Aviation Lights
missileController from
PTruck from FASTCORP Autogarage
radarDataReceiver from
radialDecoupler1-2 from Squad
stackDecoupler from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
SYclamp2 from SpaceY Heavy Lifters
SYdecoupler10m from SpaceY Expanded
SYdecoupler7m from SpaceY Expanded
SYdecouplerRadial2 from SpaceY Heavy Lifters
SYengine3mE1 from SpaceY Expanded
SYengine7mE4 from SpaceY Expanded
SYengine7mR9 from SpaceY Expanded
SYplate10m7mX1 from SpaceY Expanded
SYplate7m5mX1 from SpaceY Expanded
SYSRB.1875L from SpaceY Heavy Lifters
SYSRBconeSize2 from SpaceY Heavy Lifters
SYtank10m7mAdapter from SpaceY Expanded
SYtank10mL07500 from SpaceY Expanded
SYtank10mL22500 from SpaceY Expanded
SYtank7mCone1 from SpaceY Expanded (root part)
SYtank7mL15000 from SpaceY Expanded
TelescopeFullAScaleable from Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - Legacy Parts
ugm-27-polaris-a3 from Blue Hawk Industries