Munar Excursion Lander [M.E.L.]
by aceman67
uploaded 2019-04-29
mod+DLC lander

All parts for Munar Excursion Lander [M.E.L.]

click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
battery-rad-125 from Near Future Electrical
capacitor-rad-0625-2 from Near Future Electrical
crewtube-125-25-2 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
dockingPort2 from Squad
externalTankRound from Squad
externalTankToroid from Squad
landingLeg1-2 from Squad
light-area-01 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
mediumDishAntenna from Squad
mk2LanderCabin.v2 from Squad (root part)
radialLiquidEngine1-2 from Squad
radialRCSTank from Squad
rcsblock-aero-5way-1 from Near Future Spacecraft
rtg-0625 from Near Future Electrical
Size1p5.Tank.01 from Making History DLC
solarPanels2 from Squad
spotLight1 from Squad
SurfaceScanner from Squad
telescopicLadderBay from Squad
USAccelGravWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USAerozineWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USBatteryWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USCarbonDioxideWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USCylindricalShroud250 from Universal Storage II Finalized
USFoodWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USGooBayWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USGreyWaterWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USGuidanceComputer from Universal Storage II Finalized
USHexcore from Universal Storage II Finalized
USHydrazineWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USKASRadial from Universal Storage II Finalized
USMatBayWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USOxygenWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USSolidWasteWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USThermoBaroWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
USWaterWedge from Universal Storage II Finalized
W485.SurfaceOmniLight from Surface Mounted Lights