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The Munar Excursion Lander [M.E.L.] is intended for landing on celestial bodies with low gravity and no atmosphere, provided that 1054dV is enough for a round trip from the surface.
It is equipped with enough supplies for a long duration stay of up to 167 days.
Also equipped is a guidance computer so that no pilot is needed for landing, allowing for a Scientist and Engineer to land, provided you have an active uplink.
Located within a storage locker mounted on one of the engine nacelles are two EVA-X packs with additional Life Support and Data Transmission capabilities for extended Extra Vehicular Activites. Also in the locker is an E-SD80 Electric Screwdriver.
Action Groups
1. Toggle Mk-55 Thud
2. Toggle Solar Panels
3. Engage Emergency Power Reserves, Toggles Capacitor window.
4. Rotate Lights if (when) they are facing incorrectly.
Can land on the following bodies:
Moho (one way trip)
Mun (attach 200-300dV worth of additional fuel pods)
Vall (one way trip)
Eeloo (Attach 240-340dV worth of additional fuel pods)
A mod rocket called Munar Excursion Lander [M.E.L.]. Built with 83 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2LanderCabin.v2.
Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.7.0.
- Type: VAB
- Class: lander
- Part Count: 83
- Mods: 9
- Near Future Electrical
- Near Future Spacecraft
- Squad (stock)
- Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
- Surface Mounted Lights
- TweakScale - Rescale Everything!
- TweakableEverything
- Universal Storage II
- squadexpansion