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All parts for SDB-1
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
B9.Aero.Wing.Procedural.TypeA from B9 Procedural Wings Modified
B9.Aero.Wing.Procedural.TypeB from B9 Procedural Wings Modified
B9.Aero.Wing.Procedural.TypeC from B9 Procedural Wings Modified
bahaAdjustableRail from BDArmory
bdPilotAI from BDArmory
bdRotBombBay from BDArmory
EOTS from Nice MKseries Body
j.5m.nose from OPT Spaceplane Continued
jk.7m.adaptor from OPT Spaceplane Continued
k.6m.cargo from OPT Spaceplane Continued
KF-ALG-Medium from
LS6 from kerbalfield
M2X.SupersonicNose from Mk2 Stockalike Expansion
missileController from BDArmory
mk2.ramIntake from OPT Spaceplane Continued
mk3s1 from Airplane Plus
mk3s1intake from Airplane Plus
OPTdropTank from OPT Legacy
raptorjet from Airplane Plus
smallCtrlSrf from Squad
Vipercockpit from Nice MKseries Body (root part)
YJ-83K from kerbalfield
YJ12 from kerbalfield
YU-7 from kerbalfield