Artemis 1 SLS & Orion with launch pad
by WitchofEngineering
uploaded 2022-08-29
stock+DLC ship
#stock #Crewed #Orion #SLS #Artemis

All parts for Artemis 1 SLS & Orion with launch pad

click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
batteryBank from Squad
batteryPack from Squad
Clydesdale from Squad
controller1000 from Breaking Ground DLC
Decoupler.0 from Squad
Decoupler.1 from Squad
Decoupler.2 from Squad
dockingPort2 from Squad
domeLight1 from Squad
externalTankRound from Squad
fairingSize1 from Squad
fairingSize2 from Squad
fairingSize3 from Squad
flagPartFlat from Squad
flagPartSize1 from Squad
flagPartSize1p5 from Making History DLC
flagPartSize2 from Squad
flagPartSize3 from Squad
fuelLine from Squad
HeatShield0 from Squad
HeatShield2 from Squad
HighGainAntenna5.v2 from Squad
hinge.01.s from Breaking Ground DLC
hinge.04 from Breaking Ground DLC
ksp.r.largeBatteryPack from Squad
landerCabinSmall from Squad
launchClamp1 from Squad
LaunchEscapeSystem from Squad
linearRcs from Squad
liquidEngine3.v2 from Squad
LiquidEngineLV-T91 from Making History DLC
microEngine.v2 from Squad
miniFuselage from Squad
mk1-3pod from Squad (root part)
MK1CrewCabin from Squad
Panel0 from Making History DLC
Panel1 from Making History DLC
Panel1p5 from Making History DLC
Panel2 from Making History DLC
parachuteLarge from Squad
piston.02 from Breaking Ground DLC
probeCoreOcto2.v2 from Squad
probeStackSmall from Squad
radialDecoupler1-2 from Squad
radialDrogue from Squad
radialRCSTank from Squad
RCSBlock.v2 from Squad
rcsTankRadialLong from Squad
Rockomax16.BW from Squad
Rockomax32.BW from Squad
Rockomax8BW from Squad
rotoServo.03 from Breaking Ground DLC
rotoServo.04 from Breaking Ground DLC
sepMotor1 from Squad
Size3EngineCluster from Squad
Size3LargeTank from Squad
Size3MediumTank from Squad
solarPanelOX10L from Squad
structuralIBeam2 from Squad
structuralIBeam3 from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
strutCube from Squad
trussAdapter from Squad
trussPiece1x from Squad
trussPiece3x from Squad