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can be downloaded
(link to Spacedock where possible)
All parts for ADFX-NUKE
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
airlinerCtrlSrf from Squad
airplaneTailB from Squad (root part)
airScoop from Squad
basicFin from Squad
bluedog.ATDA.VHFAntenna from Bluedog DB
fuelLine from Squad
fuelTankSmall from Squad
fuelTankSmallFlat from Squad
GearSmall from Squad
IntakeRadialLong from Squad
ksp.r.largeBatteryPack from Squad
light.aviation from Aviation Lights from Aviation Lights
MK1IntakeFuselage from Squad
mumech.MJ2.AR202 from MechJeb 2
nfa-atomic-jet-25-1 from nearfutureaeronautics
pointyNoseConeB from Squad
probeCoreHex.v2 from Squad
probeStackSmall from Squad
ramAirIntake from Squad
sasModule from Squad
shockConeIntake from Squad
smallCtrlSrf from Squad
StandardCtrlSrf from Squad
structuralWing4 from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
sweptWing from Squad
tailfin from Squad
vernierEngine from Squad