DGT-2 Fortuna
by Niknack
uploaded 2016-10-14
stock ship

All parts for DGT-2 Fortuna

click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
adapterEngines from Squad
adapterLargeSmallBi from Squad
adapterMk3-Size2Slant from Squad
adapterSmallMiniShort from Squad
asasmodule1-2 from Squad
batteryBank from Squad
batteryBankLarge from Squad
batteryBankMini from Squad
cupola from Squad
dockingPort2 from Squad
dockingPort3 from Squad
dockingPortLarge from Squad
dockingPortLateral from Squad
foldingRadMed from Squad
FuelCell from Squad
FuelCellArray from Squad
fuelLine from Squad
fuelTank from Squad
fuelTank.long from Squad
fuelTank2-2 from Squad
fuelTank3-2 from Squad
fuelTank4-2 from Squad
GearSmall from Squad
GooExperiment from Squad
ISRU from Squad
ksp.r.largeBatteryPack from Squad
ladder1 from Squad
landerCabinSmall from Squad
landingLeg1-2 from Squad
largeAdapter from Squad
largeSolarPanel from Squad
LargeTank from Squad
launchClamp1 from Squad
LgRadialSolarPanel from Squad
linearRcs from Squad
liquidEngine2-2 from Squad
longAntenna from Squad
Mark1Cockpit from Squad
miniFuelTank from Squad
miniFuselage from Squad
miniLandingLeg from Squad
MK1CrewCabin from Squad
mk3CargoBayL from Squad
mk3CargoBayM from Squad
mk3CargoBayS from Squad
mk3CargoRamp from Squad
mk3FuselageLFO.100 from Squad
mk3FuselageLFO.50 from Squad
omsEngine from Squad
OrbitalScanner from Squad
parachuteLarge from Squad
probeCoreOcto2 from Squad
probeStackLarge from Squad
radialDecoupler from Squad
radialDecoupler2 from Squad
RadialDrill from Squad
radPanelLg from Squad
radPanelSm from Squad
RCSBlock from Squad
rcsTankRadialLong from Squad
RelayAntenna5 from Squad
rocketNoseCone from Squad
roverWheel1 from Squad
rtg from Squad
ScienceBox from Squad
seatExternalCmd from Squad
sensorAccelerometer from Squad
sensorAtmosphere from Squad
sensorBarometer from Squad
sensorGravimeter from Squad
sensorThermometer from Squad
sepMotor1 from Squad
Size3AdvancedEngine from Squad
size3Decoupler from Squad (root part)
Size3EngineCluster from Squad
Size3MediumTank from Squad
Size3to2Adapter from Squad
smallRadialEngine from Squad
solarPanels5 from Squad
spotLight1 from Squad
spotLight2 from Squad
SSME from Squad
structuralIBeam2 from Squad
structuralIBeam3 from Squad
structuralPanel2 from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
strutCube from Squad
SurfaceScanner from Squad
telescopicLadderBay from Squad
trussPiece1x from Squad
trussPiece3x from Squad
vernierEngine from Squad
wheelMed from Squad
wingShuttleRudder from Squad