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(link to Spacedock where possible)
All parts for Arctic Base
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
adapterSmallMiniShort from Squad
cargoContainer from Squad
Clydesdale from Squad
ConformalStorageUnit from Squad
Decoupler.3 from Squad
dockingPort3 from Squad
fairingSize3 from Squad
flagPartSize0 from Squad
foldingRadSmall from Squad
FuelCellArray from Squad
fuelLine from Squad
fuelTankSmall from Squad
fuelTankSmallFlat from Squad
hinge.01.s from Breaking Ground DLC
hinge.03.s from Breaking Ground DLC
ksp.r.largeBatteryPack from Squad
ladder1 from Squad
launchClamp1 from Squad
lGripPad from Breaking Ground DLC
MiniDrill from Squad
MiniISRU from Squad
MK1CrewCabin from Squad
mk1pod.v2 from Squad
mk2CrewCabin from Squad
mk2LanderCabin.v2 from Squad
OrbitalScanner from Squad
parachuteRadial from Squad
piston.02 from Breaking Ground DLC
radialDecoupler1-2 from Squad
RCSBlock.v2 from Squad
rcsTankRadialLong from Squad
RelayAntenna5 from Squad
RobotArmScanner.S3 from Breaking Ground DLC
rocketNoseCone.v3 from Squad
rotoServo.00 from Breaking Ground DLC
seatExternalCmd from Squad
sepMotor1 from Squad
Size3AdvancedEngine from Squad
Size3EngineCluster from Squad
Size3LargeTank from Squad
Size3MediumTank from Squad
Size3SmallTank from Squad
smallCargoContainer from Squad
solarPanels1 from Squad
solarPanels2 from Squad
spotLight1.v2 from Squad
spotLight2.v2 from Squad
stripLight1 from Squad
structuralIBeam2 from Squad
structuralPanel2 from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
strutCube from Squad
tailfin from Squad
telescopicLadder from Squad
telescopicLadderBay from Squad
trussPiece3x from Squad (root part)
wheelMed from Squad
wingShuttleRudder from Squad