1:Go 2:Hover 3:VERT
Another VTOL aircraft called Hexapen. Built with 44 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark1Cockpit. Suitable for training.
224m/s @ 5km for 0.11kal/s and 610km. TWR 1.4 @ sea-level.
Hexapen features SAS cancellation of the VERT reference, eliminating a common VTOL cockpit hazard.
AG1 & AG2 toggle the HORZ and VERT jets independently. AG3 selects a VERT reference to be used in conjunction with SAS Radial Out to aid the hover and give a helo cyclic-style control. Pilot can ‘blip’ the cyclic to effect small, temporary inputs, returning to the hover attitude. Or touch SAS Hold to cancel SAS Radial Out and also return to the conventional, cockpit reference.
Jeb after first test flight: friendliest VTOL ever
NOTE: ensure SAS Radial Out is still selected (AG3 after engaging SAS ‘T’) when applying thrust to lift-off vertically…
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.3.
Not sure what your stat/spec readouts mean below the blurb. It’ll maintain 224 m/s @ 5km seems straightforward. Not sure about the other two. 610km range? 0.11kal/s?
That’s right. 610km is the range. 0.11 kallons per second consumption at cruise.
K(g)allons! :D heh. Thank you.