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(link to Spacedock where possible)
All parts for American Truck VRed
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
basicFin from Squad
commDish from Squad
FuelCellArray from Squad
GearFixed from Squad
KAS.CPort1 from Kerbal Attachment System
KIS.Container1 from Kerbal Inventory System
KIS.ContainerMount1 from Kerbal Inventory System
lightbeacon.amber from Aviation Lights from Aviation Lights
lightstrobe.white from Aviation Lights
MiniDrill from Squad
miniFuelTank from Squad
mk1pod from Squad
navlight from Airplane Plus
parachuteRadial from Squad
probeCoreCube from Squad
radialDecoupler from Squad
radialEngineMini from Squad
RadialOreTank from Squad
radPanelLg from Squad
radPanelSm from Squad
roverBody from Squad
rtg from Squad
seatExternalCmd from Squad
sensorGravimeter from Squad
smallCtrlSrf from Squad
SmallGearBay from Squad
smallHardpoint from Squad
solarPanels5 from Squad
spotLight1 from Squad
spotLight2 from Squad
StandardCtrlSrf from Squad
structuralIBeam1 from Squad
structuralIBeam2 from Squad
structuralIBeam3 from Squad
structuralMiniNode from Squad
structuralPanel1 from Squad
structuralPanel2 from Squad (root part)
strutConnector from Squad
strutCube from Squad
SurfaceScanner from Squad
trussPiece3x from Squad
wheelMed from Squad
wingConnector4 from Squad
xenonTankRadial from Squad