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can be downloaded
(link to Spacedock where possible)
All parts for Alpha NC22
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
batteryPack from Squad
Decoupler.1 from Squad
fairingSize1 from Squad
fairingSize1p5 from Making History DLC (root part)
flagPartFlat from Squad
hinge.01.s from Breaking Ground DLC
hinge.03 from Breaking Ground DLC
launchClamp1 from Squad
LiquidEngineLV-T91 from Making History DLC
navLight1 from Squad
probeCoreOcto.v2 from Squad
probeStackSmall from Squad
radialLiquidEngine1-2 from Squad
radialRCSTank from Squad
RCSBlock.v2 from Squad
ReleaseValve from Squad
Size1p5.Tank.02 from Making History DLC
Size1p5.Tank.03 from Making History DLC
StandardCtrlSrf from Squad
strutCube from Squad
strutOcto from Squad