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All parts for Space Explorer 2.5 no launcher
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
asasmodule1-2 from Squad
batteryBankMini from Squad
bluedog.Gemini.Crew.A from Bluedog DB
bluedog.Gemini.Crew.B from Bluedog DB
bluedog.Gemini.Heatshield.B from Bluedog DB
bluedog.Gemini.Parachute.A from Bluedog DB
bluedog.Gemini.RCS.A from Bluedog DB
command-mk4-1 from Near Future Spacecraft (root part)
commDish from Squad
decoupler1-2 from Squad
dockingPort1 from Squad
dockingPort2 from Squad
dockingPort3 from Squad
DTMagnetometer from KSP Interstellar Extended
FNGCMS from KSP Interstellar Extended
fuelTank1-2 from Squad
fuelTank2-2 from Squad
GooExperiment from Squad
HeatShield2 from Squad
InterstellarSphereTank from TesserWreck's Stock Fuel Switch
ionEngine from Squad
ISRU from Squad
KspiTriAlphaFusionReactor from KSP Interstellar Extended
landingLeg1 from Squad
Large.Crewed.Lab from Squad
LargeFNGeneratorMk1 from KSP Interstellar Extended
LargeTank from Squad
liquidEngine3 from Squad
longAntenna from Squad
mumech.MJ2.AR202 from MechJeb 2
OrbitalScanner from Squad
parachuteRadial from Squad
probeCoreOcto2 from Squad
radiator-conformal-3 from
RCSTank1-2 from Squad
rtg from Squad
sasModule from Squad
sensorAccelerometer from Squad
sensorAtmosphere from Squad
sensorBarometer from Squad
sensorGravimeter from Squad
sensorThermometer from Squad
SmallCapsuleEngineRCS from
SmallFNGeneratorMk1 from KSP Interstellar Extended
solarPanels2 from Squad
solarPanels4 from Squad
sspx-adapter-125-25-1 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux
sspx-aquaculture-375-1 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux
sspx-attach-25-1 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux
sspx-expandable-centrifuge-375-1 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux
sspx-greenhouse-375-1 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux
sspx-habitation-25-1 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux
sspx-hub-25-1 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux
sspx-tube-25-1 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux
SurfaceScanner from Squad
SurveyScanner from Squad
telescopicLadderBay from Squad
VISTAEngine2 from KSP Interstellar Extended
WBI.RCS5Way from Buffalo
xenonTank from Squad