ACR Project Tau
by shibusu
uploaded 2021-08-15
stock+DLC lifter

Payload max
Flight rated for at least 150 tons to LKO.
Delta-V exceeds requirements, so a higher payload tonnage is possible.


  • Type: VAB
  • Class: lifter
  • Part Count: 189
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.2

Description / Backstory

Envisioned in 1971, Project Tau was a thought experiment on how much a rocket could launch in to orbit. Intended to launch entire space stations, Project Tau would have been an insane rocket. Although no full scale Tau rockets were constructed, the new need for interplanetary dockyards has revived the project.

A stock rocket called ACR Project Tau. Built with 189 of the finest parts, its root part is probeStackLarge.

Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.12.2.

In orbit, 150 tons, with 773m/s remaining.

ACR flag is not required for the function or asthetic look of the lifter.
[filename acr-aerospace-a-b.png]

I love the Sea Dragon style sustainer motors on the sides of the core.

I really love all the differently-sized boosters on this, makes it look super unique. Plus, 150 tons is pretty damn respectable. Great work :)

Thanks! I did get a bit of inspiration from the differently sized boosters from JimmyBlether, and the need for a bit of asparagus staging to boot. And I was pretty surprised when I got that big fuel tank in to orbit :)

When in doubt, make a bigger rocket.

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