Articulated Hammerhead
by jmark1213
uploaded 2019-05-24
stock+DLC ship
#shark #hammerhead #krakentech #mechanism #articulated


An articulated hammerhead shark!

For best results, you will need the craft mover mod to drop this shark in its natural environment.

Press space once to stage. Use left bracket [ to switch to the motor and hold ALT + Q or ALT + E to start the tail motion. Caution: do not over-trim the motor as these hinges won’t be able to hold up in the water.

Next, switch back to the body section with right bracket ] and throttle up! Now you can more or less drive the shark around.

Finally, pressing 1 toggles the mouth to open and close.

A stock aircraft called Articulated Hammerhead. Built with 514 of the finest parts, its root part is structuralIBeam3.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.0.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: ship
  • Part Count: 514
  • Pure Stock

look at that beauty
crikey she’s amazing

Definitely read that in Steve Irwin’s voice lol

O mouth opens too!

Yes sir! I just couldn’t make a shark that wasn’t able to bite anything :D

Or you can use Hyper Edit.

I have SO many questions

Ask away!


2: how

3: what were you thinking

4: WTF

5: how again

6: for what reason

7: porque

8: what was your motivation?

I’ll attempt to answer your questions with one answer:

Because hammerhead shark.

Beauty! Love it, nice work in the mechanics.

Thank you!

damn! you took it a step further with this one!! the shaping on the body is just fantastic!

Thanks man! The shaping took as long as figuring out how the mechanism would work lol

It looks awesome! But why is it a shark articulating?

Thanks! But I’m not sure what you mean, did I make a mistake with the physiology?

Articulate on the most basic level means to speak clearly afaik. I haven’t heard it in this context.

It can also mean to have joints and segments. Like an action figure, for example.

video unavailable. What happened?

My mistake, had the video set in draft mode still.

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