F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
by arrkaycee
uploaded 2023-01-21
mod aircraft

Replica of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. Probably the most effort I’ve put in towards getting the shape of a body to look accurate and it still comes out with proportions that are off. It is very close but the elevator is very hard to get right, and I have no idea how the engine/intake setup is so short on the real thing. Not sure what it is about the design of the F-18, but every time i’ve made one it does very well. Performs great with nothing (or light AA) on the pylons, but the payload reduces turn rate, to be expected for something that usually carries bombs and extra fuel. I spent extra time on the leading edge root extention, then realized I was modelling it on the F-18 instead of the F/A-18 lol (one of the pics shows the original, it has the wavy lines up by the cockpit instead of the smooth curve). It has the same 11 pylons as the real thing, and can definitely fit more than the real thing if you configure it properly. Includes functional autoslats, the rudders are bound to work as airbrakes, and a new one for me: autoflaperons. This might be the first one that doesn’t really need Atmospheric Autopilot but it’s still way better with it.


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  • coldwaraerospace
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