I pretty much exclusively make replicas of aircraft, or aircraft that take heavy inspiration from real ones (aka, it took more effort than I wanted to put in to make it look realistic). 100% of my stuff will include mods, many of which say they don’t work with the current version but I assure you, they do. Sometimes I even edit some values in the mod files to make them perform how they should, like thrust changes or modifying ranges on BDArmory missiles. Download Atmospheric Autopilot if you fly planes a lot, it’s amazing. I also use a joystick and throttle to fly, I have no idea what it’s like without one anymore so my planes are very much optimized for that level of control, I’m sorry keyboard users, many of my jets probably won’t be easy to fly or perform as well as they should/could. If you can save up I used the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro for 2 years before I upgraded, it is a massive improvement over keyboard and is about $35-$40 in the USA, 100% worth it if you fly enough.