A warm welcome, fellow Kerbanauts.
This page came to life due to the friendly persuasion of Das Valdes and the cheers you kerbanauts gave me during his Exitprise- Twitchstream.
I was blown away by how apealing the ships where for you guy’s and girls. Honestly i still see the builds as just ships
that anyone can make. Its true that it is long and hardwork. But thats simply what it takes to make a well build replica and/or what ever my imagination can dream up. So thats exacly what i do… nothing special.
So hereI I am, just an old fart
making Kerbalised Craft, uploading them here on KerbalX and hope you gona enjoy my creations as i enjoy building them. …simple as that :) hahaha..
…anyway.. …Time to shut up,, so…
Thanks A mucho Kerbanauts! ..Enjoy!