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All parts for 'ALM' Venus Lander
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
2.5.Heatshield from Deadly Reentry Continued
basepuntv2r10 from AIES Aerospace
batteryBAEr from AIES Aerospace
batteryBank from Squad
commDish from Squad
desacopladorsat2 from AIES Aerospace
desacopladorsat3 from AIES Aerospace
engineLargeSkipper from Squad
enginelmodc from AIES Aerospace
hydrogen-25-1 from
KW2mDecoupler from
KW3mengineTitanT1 from
KzInterstageAdapter2 from Procedural Fairings
KzProcFairingTitan from blackheart612's KW Procedural Fairings Textures
libertySrb from Liquidhype
LRDecoupler from AIES Aerospace
mumech.MJ2.AR202 from MechJeb 2
neptuno from AIES Aerospace (root part)
plommsLandingLeg from AIES Aerospace
proceduralTankRealFuels from Procedural Parts
RC.radial from RealChute Parachute Systems
RTLongAntenna2 from RemoteTech
RTShortAntenna1 from RemoteTech
solarpaneles1 from AIES Aerospace
solarPanelsuncat1 from AIES Aerospace
srbNosecone from Liquidhype
stackDecouplerMini from Squad
strutCube from Squad
t1500v4 from AIES Aerospace
tanktoemv2 from AIES Aerospace
winglet from Squad