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All parts for Attack Boat
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
asasmodule1-2 from Squad
baha30mmAmmo from
baha50CalAmmo from
bahaFlirBall from
bahaH70Turret from
bahaSmokeCmPod from
bahaTowMissile from
CompositeGlassPanelSmall from Glass Panes and Enclosures (GPE)
kordaRTG1 from Korda
M2TurretedHMG from SM Armory
missileController from
NAS.AA.MG.37Breda.RM from NAS - Naval Artillery System
NAS.AA.MG.50M2HBx2.USN from NAS - Naval Artillery System
NBbatteryRadial1 from Modular Rocket Systems
NBSAS2m from Modular Rocket Systems
PEW-mk19 from P.E.W (Promethium Experimental Weaponry)
radarDataReceiver from
RHIB from Military Vehicle Chassis (root part)
seatExternalCmd from Squad
towLauncherTurret from
truss-octo-attach-01 from Near Future Construction
univAmmoBox from C.A.L++ (Community Ammunition Library for BDArmory)
waterjetcut from