STS Space Shuttle ''Eriksson V''
by FunkFoYa
uploaded 2018-06-21
(updated 2018-12-01)
stock+DLC spaceplane
#spaceshuttle #shuttle #stock #replica #STS


  • Type: VAB
  • Class: spaceplane
  • Part Count: 254
  • Pure Stock

Old wine in new skins!

What was planned to be an update (replacing legacy parts) of my old Space Transport System ended in a complete rebuild of the external tank and SRBs plus minor changes to the shuttle attachment system.

The lifter still has the same capabilites as the old one, but is more accurate now. It was build around the existing orbiter and its scale is approx. 56% based on the real world STS. The SRBs now reduce their thrust about 33% after 50s.


1. Stage SSMEs and increase thrust wait for swing back
2. Stage SRBs and pitch down so that your flight vector is facing straight up
3. First roll programm when your velocity is >70m/s
4. Prograde vector should be 45° pitch @9-10km and 60° when SRBs flame out
5. Stage to separate SRBs
6. Second roll maneuver @50km (optional)
7. AG1 to deactivate SSMEs, stage to separate external tank
8. AG2 to activate OMS, AG3 to control from angled probe core
9. AG9 toggle fuel cells, AG0 toggle cargobay/lights/antenna

Descent: (make sure the shuttle is low on fuel, some is ok for rcs)
1. Before reentry activate pitch of the elevator/elevon, yaw for rudder and control from cockpit
2. Use RCS and/or toggle AG8:body flaps to stabilize the shuttle if needed
3. Aerobrakes (AG:Brakes) will help to slow down on final approach
4. AG:Abort deploys the chute after touch down

Important notes:

a) If you want to change the fuel of the ET make sure to reduce/increase it in pairs (opposite tanks).
b) To avoid that the SRBs are kissing each other after separation, your prograde vector should be at least 60°.
c) The SRBs chutes are just a gimmick they won’t slow them down enough to land safely.
d) There is a small force which causes the craft to yaw right, especially after launch. It is caused probably by the docking port attachment, I hope to fix it in the future. For flight it shouldn’t be to much of an issue.
e) You’ll probably have to practice the first few seconds after lift-off and the first roll programm. They’re crucial for the rest of the flight. Stay close to the prograde vector when rolling.

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