Paste a url where
this mod
can be downloaded
(link to Spacedock where possible)
All parts for Little Joe I
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
batteryBankMini from Squad
Decoupler.0 from Squad
Decoupler.1 from Squad
flagPartSize0 from Squad
flagPartSize1p5 from Making History DLC
HeatShield1 from Squad
launchClamp1 from Squad
liquidEngineMini.v2 from Squad
longAntenna from Squad
miniFuelTank from Squad
mk1pod.v2 from Squad (root part)
monopropMiniSphere from Making History DLC
parachuteRadial from Squad
probeCoreOcto2.v2 from Squad
R8winglet from Squad
radialDrogue from Squad
RCSLinearSmall from Squad
sepMotor1 from Squad
sGripPad from Breaking Ground DLC
sGripStrip from Breaking Ground DLC
Shrimp from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
strutCube from Squad
strutOcto from Squad
Tube1 from Making History DLC