OPT tanker K59
by gilflo
uploaded 2016-12-08
mod spaceplane


OPT SSTO tanker - LiquidFuel only - 59000L -can be fitted for Liquidfuel and Oxy. 483T on take off. 2 Starwaster J61 Ramjet engines and 2 quad nuke MRS engines - 80 % fuel left on 100kms Kerbin orbit. - 2 Fuel connectors - Senior docking port - 2 Repackable chutes for rough landings.Cockpit and wings Vernors for Cobra Re-entry - SpaceY thrusters for docking. - Dry COM and Fuelled COM very near.- Tested in all flgiht enveloppe with CorrectCOL mod - VS landing at full weight must be less than 3m/s

A mod aircraft called OPT tanker K59. Built with 116 of the finest parts, its root part is j.cockpit.qs.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.2.1.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: spaceplane
  • Part Count: 116
  • Mods: 14


  • Fuel Tanks Plus
  • KW Rocketry
  • Kerbal Attachment System
  • Lithobrake Exploration Technologies
  • MechJeb 2
  • Mk3Expansion
  • Modular Rocket Systems
  • Orbit Portal Technology [OPT] Spaceplane Parts
  • QuizTech Aero Pack
  • SpaceY Heavy Lifters
  • Squad (stock)
  • TweakScale - Rescale Everything!
  • TweakableEverything
  • opt

Climb profile
Take off 120m/s
Accelerate to 180, then 45° pitch to 10 kms
At 10 kms reduce pitch to 15° then 7-8°,
Final VS not over 200m/s
Mach 5.0 around 20-22kms
Light on nuke around 24-26kms
Switch off J61 around 38kms and continue on prograde

High AOA or Cobra position with help of RCS Vernors (On-OFF = 9) from 65kms to 30-35kms
Switch off Spacey RCS thruster by hiting 8

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