by dragonsuky
uploaded 2017-04-25
mod station
#repair #dock #station

All parts for WORKSOP DOK

click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
asasmodule1-2 from Squad
battery-25 from Near Future Electrical
batteryBank from Squad
commDish from Squad
crewhub-25-1 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
crewpod-observation-25 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
crewtube-125-1 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
crewtube-125-2 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
crewtube-125-25-2 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
crewtube-cupola-125 from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
cupola from Squad (root part)
dockingPort2 from Squad
dockingPortLarge from Squad
ExtCamRadialVErt from ALCOR Advanced IVA
FuelCellArray from Squad
fuelTankSmallFlat from Squad
GrapplingDevice from Squad
HighGainAntenna from Squad
HighGainAntenna5 from Squad
KAS.CPort1 from Kerbal Attachment System
KAS.Strut1 from Kerbal Attachment System
KIS.Container1 from Kerbal Inventory System
KIS.Container2 from Kerbal Inventory System
KIS.ContainerMount1 from Kerbal Inventory System
ladder1 from Squad
largeSolarPanel from Squad
launchClamp1 from Squad
longAntenna from Squad
Mark2Cockpit from Squad
mumech.MJ2.AR202 from MechJeb 2
pointyNoseConeB from Squad
probeCoreCube from Squad
probeStackSmall from Squad
RCSBlock from Squad
RCSFuelTank from Squad
RCSTank1-2 from Squad
RelayAntenna100 from Squad
rtg from Squad
solarpanel-deploying-circular-1 from
solarPanels2 from Squad
spotLight1 from Squad
spotLight2 from Squad
structuralWing2 from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
trussAdapter from Squad
trussPiece1x from Squad
trussPiece3x from Squad
W485.Surface4WayLight from Surface Mounted Lights
W485.SurfaceOmniLight from Surface Mounted Lights
wingConnector from Squad