by dragonsuky
uploaded 2017-04-24
mod spaceplane

All parts for PUPIL

click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
adapterEngines from Squad
adapterSmallMiniShort from Squad
airbrake1 from Squad
asasmodule1-2 from Squad
batteryBank from Squad
batteryBankLarge from Squad
batteryPack from Squad
dockingPort2 from Squad
fuelLine from Squad
GearLarge from Squad
GearSmall from Squad
GooExperiment from Squad
JSIPrimitiveExternalCamera from RasterPropMonitor
KAS.CPort1 from Kerbal Attachment System
LargeTank from Squad
LgRadialSolarPanel from Squad
lightbeacon.amber from Aviation Lights
lightbeacon.red from Aviation Lights
lightnav.green from Aviation Lights
Mark2Cockpit from Squad
mediumDishAntenna from Squad
MiniISRU from Squad
mk2.1m.AdapterLong from Squad
mk2.1m.Bicoupler from Squad
mk2FuselageLongLFO from Squad
mk3CargoBayL from Squad
mk3CargoBayS from Squad
mk3Cockpit.Shuttle from Squad (root part)
mk3FuselageLFO.25 from Squad
mk4intake-radial-1 from Mark IV Spaceplane System
mk4multimodal-125-1 from Mark IV Spaceplane System
mk4multimodal-25-2 from Mark IV Spaceplane System
mk4nose-docking from Mark IV Spaceplane System
mumech.MJ2.AR202 from MechJeb 2
parachuteRadial from Squad
RadialDrill from Squad
radPanelLg from Squad
RCSBlock from Squad
RCSFuelTank from Squad
rtg from Squad
science.module from Squad
ScienceBox from Squad
sensorAccelerometer from Squad
sensorAtmosphere from Squad
sensorBarometer from Squad
sensorGravimeter from Squad
sensorThermometer from Squad
SmallGearBay from Squad
solarpanel-deploying-2x3-1 from
solarpanel-deploying-circular-1 from
spotLight1 from Squad
spotLight2 from Squad
structuralPanel2 from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
SurfaceScanner from Squad
SurfAntenna from Squad
telescopicLadderBay from Squad
vernierEngine from Squad
wingShuttleDelta from Squad
wingShuttleElevon1 from Squad
wingShuttleElevon2 from Squad
wingShuttleRudder from Squad
wingShuttleStrake from Squad