Starling Science SSTO
by fourfa
uploaded 2021-12-08
(updated 2021-12-08)
stock+DLC spaceplane


Highly drag-optimized 2-seat SSTO with special high-temperature tweaks. Highly heat-resistant nose, long internal fairing occludes fuselage from drag, open attachment nodes locked off and shielded to reduce drag, as much as possible drag-shielded in the cargo bay. This craft can hit 1656m/s on airbreathing jets alone!

Kerbin ascent: hold 10 degree angle of attack from launch until after peak heating (wings exploding at lower angles will be the limiting factor), then switch to prograde. Throttle back for efficiency after rocket switchover. Open bay doors in space for cooling, solar charging, and full RCS control.

Payload is a full stock science loadout, with some extra fuel for good measure. (Press 4 to toggle the bay doors)

Craft is compatible with reaction wheel nerfs - can pitch + yaw with external RCS, and translate + roll with internal RCS hidden inside the cargo bay.

Fuel load is set for maximum orbital dV from Kerbin launch. There’s extra room in the wings for more liquid fuel, if max air-breathing flight range is preferred.

Press 1 to switch RAPIER mode.

A stock aircraft called Starling Science SSTO. Built with 55 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Inline.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.2.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: spaceplane
  • Part Count: 55
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.2
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