Huron Hunter M 1.4.1
by Rpatto92
uploaded 2023-08-07
(updated 2023-08-23)
stock+DLC aircraft
#helicopter #single #rotor #conventional #functional

This is the first semi-articulated 3axis statically stable helicopter. The Huron should be mostly stable in roll, even with SAS disabled. (helicopter will roll slightly left in a hover due to tail rotor bias)

!WARRNIG! if helicopter rolls-right bellow 50mp/s or excessively rolls above 50mp/s, ksp’s memory leak has begun affecting craft and you’ll have to restart the game for optimal performance.

Craft file updated to version 1.4.1 - improved level top speed by 10mp/s (60mp/s) and static stability bellow 60mp/s

-angled main-rotor slightly to account for tail-rotor side-slip in hover
-angled tail 5 degrees to cancel out side-slip and offset roll caused by main-rotor
-raised tail to counter high-speed dissymmetry
-retuned the counter-torque to account for tail height/angles adjustments
-lowered feathering/flapping hinge motor size to 0
-adjust hinge angles to -2.0,2.0


Huron is designed to be a demonstrator, to show how a single rotor can be made properly in KSP with 3 axis of articulation to compensate for asymmetric lift.

previous versions….
Craft file updated to version 1.1
-retuned counter-torque for better balance and flight dynamics
-adjusted landing gear settings to prevent unintended jitters and overstressing


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 144
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.5

how do you make the blade have enough inertia fo autorotaton? i make my bladesout of deplted uranim but still they stop when i turn off the engine (no brake, drops to 60 rpm in 10 sec even when puttng collectve at a good setng for autorotation, good aoa,etc)

Sry, mis-read ur comment. It’s a combination. Huron is a demonstrator for 3axis articulation compensating for lift asymmetry. The blades are able to feather, allowing them to pitch marginally more than usual and I also incorporate a small amount of negative collective pitch to help with descent. Also the whole rotor is biases slightly left, which helps prevent death rolls. Download and tear her apart if you like.

Thanks a lot. I didn’t even need this fancy feathering tech of yours. I made the blades out of DU (2 tons per blade) and placed them on my chinook/mi-29 monstrous abdomination (chinook w/ stub wings

and a huge tailfin + tail rotor (unneeded but gives good yaw rate)) (each engine has 8 blades and spins at 460rpm). When I autorotate, I start hovering and set deploy angle to 0. It slowly falls down without any control inputs. It is also loaded with weapons and stuff so the heli is large and not some tiny lawn chair drone. Will upload soon

Extremely difficult but possible. Try first in a hover at altitude. Huron is stable @40-50mp/s, therefore rapid changes to collective will impact pitch-auth, beyond 50mp/s you’ll get speed wobbles warning you to slow down. So be gentle, reduce collective gradually to 1/3rd (throttle), avoid sending it into a nose dive/death roll. Hold pitch up/roll left, compensate w/yaw & convert inertia into rpm. Stay above 200rpm & reduce collective fully to zero. Then, gently raise collective before impact.

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