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A stock aircraft called Jastreb. Built with 151 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark1Cockpit.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.2.2.
High speed airplane powered by the two electric contra-rotating propellers.
Thanks to the powerful engines and low drag airframe it can reach speeds of up to 255 m/s at low altitude. It also works quite well on Eve.
To start:
- engage the brakes,
- press 0 to decouple the rotors,
- engage SAS on the plane,
- switch to the rotors, use Alt+E or ALT+Q to trim them all the way,
- switch back to the plane,
- disengage the brakes,
- takeoff at 55-60 m/s,
- at about 90 m/s switch to the each propeller and press 1 to toggle the blade pitch.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 151
- Pure Stock