by Rade
uploaded 2018-12-21
stock aircraft
#helicopter #coaxial #swashplate #Turboshaft


A stock aircraft called Helix. Built with 280 of the finest parts, its root part is stackPoint1.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.5.1.

Stock helicopter with a working swashplate.
Helix uses coaxial rotors where the upper rotor is spinning faster and it’s used to provide most of the lift for the helicopter. The lower rotor spins slower but it’s blades are coupled to the swash plate which allows you fine control of the helicopter. You’ll no longer need to have bunch of reaction wheels to keep helicopter stable, Helix uses only 2 small reaction wheels but it can fly just fine with those 2 wheels disabled.

The tail rotor is designed in such way that it can slide to the left and right, this is controlled by a single elevon with the yaw enabled. When it is in neutral position rotor is powered by a single pair of juno engines. When you want turn right the elevon will slide the tail rotor to the left, this will position the rotor in a such way that another pair of juno engines will act on it, increasing its rotation speed and thrust. When you want to turn left elevon will slide the rotor to the right and out of the way of juno engines, this will decrease the rotation speed and the thrust of the rotor.

To start:
- set the engines to ~%80,
- stage once to start the tail rotor, give it a few seconds to spin up,
- stage the remaining stages,
- increase the engine power to atleast 90%,
- as the engines spool up the heli will slowly lift off.

Few tips about flying this, be gentle with the controls since they have a little bit of lag it’s not like with the reaction wheels where the input is pretty much instant. This is especially true for the tail rotor which takes a little bit of time to accelerate or slow down.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 280
  • Pure Stock
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