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All parts for Anteya 3300
click on a part to find other craft that use the same part.
18AN-24 from NeistAir Reupdated (root part)
18ConformalTank1 from NeistAir Reupdated
18ConformalTank2 from NeistAir Reupdated
18PC from NeistAir Reupdated
EHI.cargoc from
EHI.cargotail18 from
elevon2 from Squad
elevon2b from Airplane Plus
fightergear from Airplane Plus
hlfSrf from Airplane Plus
navlight from Airplane Plus
smallCtrlSrf from Squad
smallwingConnector1 from Airplane Plus
smallwingConnector2 from Airplane Plus
smallwingConnector4 from Airplane Plus
spoilerflap from Airplane Plus
spotLight1 from Squad
StandardCtrlSrf from Squad
structuralWing4 from Squad
strutConnector from Squad
SurfAntenna from Squad
SXTPWR2800 from
wingConnector5 from Squad
x1gear from Airplane Plus