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A powered high-altitude glider dubbed Underdog
by the SPH mechanics…
Cruise: 1308@22/0.13 Vs: < 25 m/s
* Trim to -3 for takeoff; -4 for landing (no SAS); or use AtmosphericAutopilot.
* recommend < 40 m/s for touch-down.
* for night landings, maintain 2 throttle clicks on descent to keep the battery trickle-charged (for landing lights)
Advisory: Underdog is not a replica. Any resemblance to anything, other than an airplane, is purely coincidental!
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.11.2.
ECO 2022-10-21 decreased wing incidence from 3 deg to just 2. 1316@22.5/0.11
This is the first (ugly) prototype (which performed better, with a more appropriate wing area (for KSP)). (Underdog has 3 deg AoI, maybe still about 0.5-1 too high.)
It’s fun to fly, though (esp. landing), and I’ll be scheduling a regular, weekly run between the poles covering a different 30-degree interval longitude, just to keep an eye on things.