Warhammer 40k Deathstrike Missile
by GillyMonster
uploaded 2017-12-31
mod ship
#warhammer40k #spacemarine #nuclearmissile #nuclear #missile


  • Infernal Robotics Model Rework - Core Pack
  • NKD - North Kerbin Dynamics for BDArmory
  • Squad (stock)
  • TweakScale - Rescale Everything!


  • Type: Subassembly
  • Class: ship
  • Part Count: 103
  • Mods: 4

A further development of my manticore rocket ( https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/Manticore-Rocket ). Carries a nuclear payload and can be launched from a medium-large chassis vehicle or can be launched from a launch pad.

Minimum recommended range is 5km due to blast radius.
Max Effective Range is 30km with throttle set to ½ power.

Remember to set control to the missile’s probe core prior to launch.
AG 1: Launches the missile.

The best name is: Jericho - Stark Industries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBC1Qob27sM - You have to give a box of drinks for every purchase of 500 Million or more.

Its awesome being the guy selling the sticks. To peace!

My Bad the name is: Jebcho!

Jebicho it is!

Please make the Jericho!

Your Stark Industries purchase is ready for pickup. https://kerbalx.com/GillyMonster/Iron-Man-Jebicho-Missile-Jericho-Missile

I’m working on it at your suggestion, I have a functional prototype, just fine tuning it for static and mobile launch. Releases 20 sub-munitions midflight.

Great, i want to see this =)

Like a cluster missile?

Yes, many explosives on one missile =)

How many heretics can it destroy per minute? Asking for a Brother.

As many as you can fit within 4km.

Manufactured In Manufactorum Kerjakis by TechPriest GillyMonster

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