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The MiG-31 emerged in the late 70s as an advanced modification of the MiG-25 Foxbat - a high speed, high altitude interceptor developed to counter the Mach 3 threats from the West such as the Blackbird and the B-70 Valkyrie bomber. The MiG-25 was a crude machine - blocky fuselage hiding two massive engines optimized for high speed flight, fuel tanks sticked wherever possible to increase range and a massive nosecone housing a powerful radar which relied on it’s sheer power to burn through any and all jamming the enemy may throw at you.
By the 1980s the airframe was starting to show it’s age, and missile developments meant that the Foxbat was not untouchable anymore. Thus, the Foxhound was born. Apart from it’s twin-seater pilot/RIO configuration similar to the one seen in the F-14 Tomcat it introduced modernized electronics and a new Zaslon long-range radar. Despite being heavier than the Foxbat it still retained it’s precedessor’s Mach 3 capability. Over the years it has estabilished itself as the backbone of Russian air defense forces. Carrying long-range R-33 and R-37 missiles, similar in functionality to the US AIM-54 Phoenixes it makes sure Russian skies stay clear of bombers, and with it’s powerful radars and engines it is sure to deliver it’s payload anywhere within it’s operational radius quicker than any other aircraft.
Due to it’s weight it handles like a bus, but you can’t have everything I guess! It’s limited to approx 5-6Gs but will pull 7-8G turns when necessary.
AG1 - Toggle reheat
AG2 - Toggle flaps
B - Toggle brakes / airbrakes
The stall speed sits at about 55m/s, although you should never really hit that considering how sluggish the controls become below 80m/s. Stay fast and don’t use it as a turnfighter as it is mostly just a mach 3, 40 ton flying schoolbus armed with missiles.
I hope you will enjoy flying it as much as I have enjoyed building it.
v1.0 - Initial release
v1.1 - Bigger tailfins, wider fuselage, fuel tanks moved to the outer pylons as through research I have discovered that only the outer pylons housed plumbing for drop tanks. Wing and horizontal stabilizer sweep adjusted to match the blueprints.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 371
- Pure Stock