Uploading stock replicas
Always focused on:
1. Function - needs to fly and fly good (without dozen reaction wheels)
3. Simplicity - low part count, …
2. Look - focused both on overall look and details
*I have over 20 rocket/plane replicas, will be updating/upgrading (some are older KSP version, could use makeover) and uploading the better ones when I have some free time
*sometimes doing small building trade-offs in look for better performance or to keep part count low (avoiding stacking 1000 panels/other parts to make something resemble original better, for example top of shuttle tank - feel free to replace the fairing with orange fuel tanks in circle if you’d like, I try to keep it simple, enabling upgrades =) )
*name of all crafts (after downloading) starts with number, I’m using it to sort my stuff and keep it separate from default KSP ships :)