Dhuveli SSTO - LKO under 4 minutes
by zedextreme8177
uploaded 2019-11-05
stock lifter
#spaceplane #ssto #rocket #vector #fast


Forgot your launch window? Need to send something to orbit as soon as possible? No worries, the Dhuveli SSTO is here!

Capable of launching a 7-ton payload to a 75km orbit in under 4 minutes, and returning, the Dhuveli (translation: Speed) started off as a land-based speeder. However, the design was found to be adaptable to an SSTO, and this is reflected in the very bare-bones design with many of the components exposed. Since the craft is intended for short missions only, no power sources are included except for battery.

The craft comes with two small ore tanks as a default 7-ton payload. While the craft is easily capable of carrying out it’s mission with a vertical launch from the launch pad, an angled launch clamp is included for ease of use. Manned launches can be done if your passengers enjoy over 5G of continuous acceleration.

Speed is the first, and efficiency is the last priority with this design. Operating costs are high, but who cares when your Kerbal’s snacks can be sent to Orbit quicker than they can be prepared?

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.7.3

Launch Profile

The craft has a relatively simple ascent profile. However, things happen rather quickly so it might take a bit of practice.

  • Activate Precision Controls
  • Hit Space, do not touch the controls until you have cleared the launch clamp, then pitch to 30 degrees and hold.
  • At 900m/s, set SAS to Prograde
  • At 1400m/s, press 1 to shutoff the side-Vectors (important if you do not want to overheat the fairing!)
  • Shut off at 75.5-76km and coast to Ap, press 2 to lock the center Vector gimbal for circularization.
  • You’ll have just enough time to set up a maneuver node at prograde, if you wish.
  • Circularize at Ap, it may be tricky to get the Ap and the Pe exactly the same.
  • Stage away the fairing and payload.


  • Point retrograde and use your remaining fuel to deorbit
  • Turn off precision controls
  • Hit SAS and hold prograde all the way into the atmosphere, keep roll level to the horizon
  • At 28-32km (depending on time warp), the craft will flip from aerodynamic forces, engineers assure us this is completely safe.
  • Let the craft oscillate as it tries to go prograde, this helps to slow down and prevent overheating.
  • Below 1500m/s, press 3 to toggle airbrakes and slow down even quicker.
  • Deploy the chutes as they become safe. The drogues will deploy at 2500m above terrain, and the mains at 500m.
  • Set SAS to stability assist, recommend quicksaving before landing.
  • For water landings, land straight without touching the controls, the craft should remain upright.
  • If you want to drop the craft, do it sideways as this will allow the side FLT tanks to take some of the shock.
  • For land landings (??), try to land at a slight angle downhill, then let the parachutes lower the nose gently.

i haven’t tried, but can i use a custom ascent profile? just wondering…

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