by swjr-swis
uploaded 2018-06-28
(updated 2018-06-28)
stock ship
#stock #rocket #challenge #terrier

The Terrier2LKO-1b - Booster stage sports 19 Terrier rocket engines arranged in a hexagonal pattern, slightly clipped but nozzles kept free. Orbital stage is a single Terrier pushing a fairing cabin with a command seat, makeshift airbrakes and chute. Top pod helps to load a kerbal and doubles as LES.


A stock rocket called Terrier2LKO-1b. Built in the VAB in KSP version 1.3.1 with 61 of the finest parts, its root part is probeCoreOcto2.
An entry to the Terriers to orbit challenge in the KSP forum, allowing only Terrier engines to get a kerbal to orbit. The challenge lies in the fact that this engine has a very poor ISP at sea level, making the lift-off highly inefficient.
NOTE: this entry complied with the original objective of the challenge - since then, the OP decided to change it to be about something else.
The solution offered here is a traditional 2-stage rocket: one booster stage with 19 Terriers in hexagonal arrangement (some clipping, nozzles kept free) that pushes an orbital stage with a single Terrier to just enough altitude and velocity where the improved ISP helps to make it to orbit.
The orbital stage uses a fairing for cabin, and includes a tiny makeshift aerobraking solution: two elevon-4’s that in perpendicular position generate maximum drag during descent. A small chute makes the return survivable for the pilot.

  • EVA and board seat (zoom inside the fairing)
  • SAS stabilize, throttle full
  • stage to send away LES/pod
  • stage for lift-off
  • switch SAS to prograde at 110 m/s
  • stage when empty
  • throttle down to keep Ap about 1:30 ahead of the craft
  • cut throttle when Ap reaches 80km
  • stage to ditch the fairing at 70km
  • circularize

The craft should make 80km orbit with just enough fuel left for a very shallow reentry burn (<1 unit of LFO).

  • stage the chute
  • reverse the elevon deployment
  • set SAS to retrograde
  • burn your remaining fuel
  • enjoy the ride down

Drag/aerobraking will deorbit the craft, even if slow. The kerbal will be safe from reentry heat, and the craft will make a soft touchdown on either land or water.


  • Type: VAB
  • Class: ship
  • Part Count: 61
  • Pure Stock


  • Squad (stock)

Don’t take anything too seriously, I’m mostly just having crazy fun testing the (im)possibilities of flight, physics and design in the amazing sandbox that is Kerbal Space Program. Feedback is welcome!

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