Mk2-Mini 2b
by swjr-swis
uploaded 2020-09-12
stock aircraft
#Mk2 #Wheesley #supersonic #long-range #stock

The Mk2-Mini 2b - A 2-seater long-range supersonic jet powered by a single Wheesley.


A pure stock aircraft called Mk2-Mini 2b. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.1, with 15 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2Cockpit.Standard.
The Mk2-Mini 2b is a 2-seater long-range supersonic jet powered by a single Wheesley. The Mk2 body tapers fluidly from the tip of the nose to the end of the engine. Combined with the highly swept wings and tail it presents a very sleek profile.
Standard cruise speed is Mach 1.82 or 539 m/s at an altitude of 12.5 km. In cruise it uses 0.03 LF/s. On the default fuel load it can get anywhere on Kerbin within the hour, and return to the KSC within two. It will have about 40% fuel left, so multiple landings along the way are possible.
It can rotate as soon as 40 m/s, but will take flight on its own at 100 m/s. Flight is stable and easy, it’s very forgiving, but it’s not afraid of high speed maneuvers either. There is room for tuning control authority to your personal taste. The thrust reverser helps keep landings short.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 15
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.3.1


  • Squad (stock)

Don’t take anything too seriously, I’m mostly just having crazy fun testing the (im)possibilities of flight, physics and design in the amazing sandbox that is Kerbal Space Program. Feedback is welcome!

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