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An Unlikely Carrier Fighter
A Truly bizarre carrier aircraft
Hailing from the research from Alexander Lippisch and others in the United States on the tailless delta configuration, the Vought F7U Cutlass’s unique form was unlike anything that came before or after it. The aircraft first flew in 1955, launching from U.S. Navy carrier decks as a jet fighter-bomber that was compact but packed a punch. Theoretically, the design posed improved top speeds at, better range (something which was sorely needed in the age of inefficient turbojets), but the Cutlass was hamstrung by a series of technical problems, stemming from either the limits of the engines of the day, or the high approach angle of attack that delta winged aircraft required. This second factor in particular was killer to the Cutlass, as it might have lived down the Gutless Cutlass
moniker, but it earned the nickname Ensign Eliminator
from the extremely high accident rate caused by the difficulties with targeting the flight deck for landing.
- Type: SPH
- Class: aircraft
- Part Count: 482
- Pure Stock