by servo
uploaded 2019-07-25
stock aircraft
#stock #replica #apollo #aria #707

The Snoot

This odd duck began as a replica for the Apollo 50th anniversary on July 20th. Seeing as I typically do planes, and had already built the T-38 Trainers, I wanted a unique aircraft tied to the Apollo Program.

This is a replica of the Apollo Range Instrumentation Aircraft - the EC-18B ARIA. Its elongated nose contains an enormous radar dish, and the body of the converted Boeing 707 holds the radio equipment required to operate a flying radio groundstation to communicate with the Apollo crews from anywhere in the world.

After the Apollo Program, the eight ARIA aircraft were redesignated the Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft and used on missile test ranges well into the 1980’s


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 617
  • Pure Stock

Transparency note: this craft contains parts which have been edited to enhance performance. Control surface deploy limits have been increased beyond normal limits and the jets have had their thrust doubled. This is not standard practice for me, however I deemed it necessary to get the performance I desired from this craft

Action Groups

  • RCS: Flaps
  • Brakes: Brakes/Spoilers
  • Gear: Gear

Cheers, and happy flying!

All stock replicas of fighters, bombers, X-planes, and space missions

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