X-4A Enforcer Assault Transport
by pandoraskitten
uploaded 2015-08-05
stock aircraft
#X-COM #Skyranger #Replica #Stock #Jet
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X-COM Skyranger Replica by LethalShade (original hull design) & pandoras kitten (redevelopment to Mach 3.5 capable dropship)¨¨The X-4A is a high performance short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) military transport. Propelled by cutting edge turboramjet technology, the Enforcer transport is designed to deploy rapid reaction forces on short notice anywhere across the globe to combat the extraterrestrial threat.¨¨The X-4A is capable of stratospheric speeds in excess of Mach 3.5 while at low altitude it can attain emergency dash speeds of Mach 2+.¨¨Action Groups: ¨1 - Toggle Turboramjets¨2 - Toggle Lift Jets and Lift Jet Bays¨5 - Toggle Main Cargo Bay Doors¨6 - Toggle Crew Ladders

A stock aircraft called X-4A Enforcer Assault Transport. Built with 92 of the finest parts, its root part is mk3CargoBayM.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.0.4.

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  • Type: SPH
  • Class: aircraft
  • Part Count: 92
  • Stock:
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The rubber’s on the road and the kids are in the back seat

Kudos for the replica.

Haha, nice quote from an epic operation!

How did you get the cool lookin blueprint?

Use Kronal Vessel Viewer for all your blueprinting needs!

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