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can be downloaded
- Type: SPH
- Class: spaceplane
- Part Count: 54
- Pure Stock
With the success of SpaceSheepOne’s suborbital test flight, a larger passenger-carrying variant was developed for space tourism. Four jet engines allow rapid climb and high subsonic cruise back to base.
By: carmenara (
Action Groups:
AG1 - Toggle Jet Engines
AG2 - Toggle Rocket Engines
AG3 - Toggle Body Flap (Elevator Trim +)
AG4 - Toggle Speed Brakes (Wing Flaps)
AG5 - Toggle Speed Brakes (Rudder)
A stock aircraft called SpaceSheepTwo. Built with 54 of the finest parts, its root part is Mark1Cockpit.
Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.3.0.