Exoloper Mobile Colony
by Zacspace
uploaded 2021-07-06
| Version 2 of 2
stock+DLC rover
#mobile #base #carrier #plane #rover


No longer content to be merely an interloper you sought out to the Exoloper in order to belligerently trespass upon the very heavens. Exoloper is a mobile colony, the largest and most capable surface vehicle our Kerbal Propulsion Lab has ever assembled, or ever will in all likelyhood. Even compared to conventional stationary surface bases the Exoloper wants for nothing. Exoloper is a first class research facility, an industrial scale rocket fuel refinery, and a base of operations for both a lander and a rover. It does all this while itself boasting blistering speed and unrivalled off-road ability.

A stock aircraft called Exoloper Mobile Colony. Built with 278 of the finest parts, its root part is mk2LanderCabin.v2.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.


Unlike most craft of this size, Exoloper is actually designed to be practically usable in normal gameplay. It’s been thoroughly tested on long duration missions across multiple bodies. Check out this variant which is loaded on top of a rocket, ready to land on any body in the stock system.

Driving the Exoloper is less straightforward than a typical rover. Accelerate and decelerate with the rover steering inputs instead of forward/reverse. To actually steer the rover use the translate left/right keys to bend the vehicle. Exoloper has been clocked at 54m/s on flat ground under wheel power. Safely sustainable speeds typically between 20-30m/s

Exoloper has 4 converter modules and 24 drills, making for a very fast re-fueller. With a max level engineer aboard it should be able to run all the drills and 2 processes on each converter at full capacity indefinitely.

Exoloper has a rover bay at rear and a crane allowing it to carry a lander or small aircraft up top. These systems are designed to be flexible, but have been tested with my own vehicles.
Rover: Rover Mini S
Lander: Simple Lander III
Aircraft: P-19s Strike Sparrow

This vehicle has all the sensors and experiments in the game except the magnetometer boom and the asteroid scanner which aren’t useful on the surface. Notable inclusions; the mobile processing lab, rover core for searching for easter eggs, and the large RGU, which allows control of probes that have a connection to Exoloper, even if KSC is out of range. It also has quite a lot of equipment storage for surface experiments.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: rover
  • Part Count: 278
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.5
  • 30-7-21: Solved an autostrut related issue that prevented the craft from not exploding during physics load-in sometimes.

  • 20-10-21: Added secondary arm for easier refueling and scanning.
    No longer include Rover Mini S to eliminate Making History dependency. Added exterior lighting.

  • 2-12-21: Major overhaul, added SAS torque, increased storage space, redesigned crane and refueling arm.

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